Innovating Through Artistry

Posts Tagged ‘Sarah Miller Caldicott’

Learn How to Innovate like Thomas Edison

In BOOKS: Learn and Grow, Entrepreneurial Tool Box, WEBSITES & BLOGS on October 7, 2008 at 8:56 am

How did Edison innovate and what can we, as artists, learn from his best practices?
Sarah Miller Caldicott, the great grandniece of Thomas Edison, in this past year has written a wonderful book titled Innovate like Edison, that can teach us his most important principles of innovation.


The term “core competence” was coined in 1995 by global business strategist Gary Hamel. A competence refers to a bundle of skills and technologies which, when mastered, yields competitive advantage. “Innovation competence” is a variation on Hamel’s term, describing the bundle of skills Edison used to generate competitive advantage through his innovation system.

Edison’s Five Competencies of Innovation™ propelled him to a record 1,093 U.S. patents as well as 1,293 international patents. Edison’s approach to innovation not only encompassed the development and launch of extraordinary products and services, it encompassed deep mental preparations as well. The Five Competencies of Innovation are: Read the rest of this entry »