Innovating Through Artistry

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Flip the Switch

In Author: Whitney Ferre on December 10, 2009 at 8:58 pm

3 Things I want to share with you today…

1st…If you want something NEW to happen in your life, your business, or anywhere, you have to do something DIFFERENT.

2nd…When you do something DIFFERENT you change the way you are thinking, making the shift from left-brain routine to right brain innovation.  This is being supported by both brain scientists and spiritual leaders.

3rd…My mission to illuminate for you the ability you possess to “flip the switch” from left to right brain thinking using Creativity Workouts and the Arts is going to provide you with what you need to create the change you desire in your world, to evolve your thinking in this rapidly evolving world, & to lead a blanced and fulfilled life.

First, let me take you on a little tour to illustrate a Creativity Workout.  Follow along with the intent of getting into your right brain (if you are sitting at your computer right now, obviously, you are engaged in the heavily left-brain dominated world and a little right brain exercise is always good.

I recently visited UMMA.  The Univ. of Michigan Museum of Art.  I hope this motivates you all to go to an art museum as soon as possible.  It is a FABULOUS right brain workout.  Take your business team.  Take your children.  Go alone.  You will leave with new ideas, more energy, and a sense that you too can create something new.

Imagine that you are walking into this room at UMMA.  It is an art installation by Heather Rowe. (I don’t know why the pics on the UMMA site are of a different install, but enjoy that one too.)  It is a totally separate room.  I had it all to myself.  It is a series of platforms or open boxes perched upon different lengths of metal and glass supports.  Notice the glass cubes at the foot of some of the supports.  (I really liked those….).  The goal of the installation is to engage you in an altered perspective.  The key is to slow down, look around and take it in.  Throughout my tour here today, look for the reflection of the orange, metal sculpture outside the museum.

So, these mirrors were placed as close to the universal eye-level height and each open “box” had these mirrors and other “random” objects arranged differently to catch the reflections.  See the orange sculpture?  Try to really space out on these images.  Just give yourself a little mental vacation from the to-do list scrolling through  your mind.  You can’t innovate if your mind is busy processing lists.  Now, let’s move to a different part of the room.

Hi!  Here I am with my trusty iPhone (LOVE it!).  Now, see the orange?  How many times do you see my face? Look in each piece of mirror.  Or almost all of them.  Can you tell which sections are mirror and which are real?  Look again….

Now, here is the last part of the tour.

Now, even I still can’t figure this out.  See my face taking the picture?  See the orange sculpture?  I promise, that orange sculpture was BEHIND me.  It looks like you are looking through the art install to the outside and there is the sculpture.  No.  That is a reflection of the sculpture.  I promise.  Even when I was there I had to turn around and look behind me there it was.  Then I looked in front of me and there it was too.  OK.  At this point, I admit, I started fantasizing about me alone in that room for hours with a bottle of wine and nothing else.  Except that I would surely need a pad of paper because of all the new insight and ideas that would come flooding into my consciousness as I opened up more and more in my mind–right hemisphere, remember.

OK.  So I could go on and on.  I will just say that just yesterday I bought two books.  Joe Dispenza’s Evolve Your Brain (this author was featured in the movie What the Bleep!?!?–rent that if you have not already) and OSHO’s Everyday OSHO.  Within 24 hours, after only reading a total of 15 pages between the two books, I read BOTH of them say that the key to ANY kind of innovation is dependent on your creativity, which is a task of the right brain, and that your left brain is responsible for information or skills that are routine or already processed by your mind. 

Dan Pink reveals this fact as well in his new book DRIVE.  If you want NEW innovation in your organization, it is dependent on right hemisphere thinking. You can learn to FLIP THE SWITCH in your own mind.  We all live in a left-brain dominated world, so if you think, “Hey, I want to new solution to this problem.” That should trigger the thought, “I better get in my right brain.”  In which case you give your right brain something to do (go to the Creativity Workout section of this blog for ideas OR buy my book The Artist Within, A Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit, that is chock full of right brain exercises), thereby shifting the energy in your mind (What the Bleep?!?!) to the side responsible for the creativity, focus, and openness required for innovation.  I will be back with more from UMMA.  I have to dole it out because otherwise this would be a 20 foot long blog entry.

Come back soon…subscribe to this blog–look under my pic–…learn more about Creatively Fit.  We will be launching the Creatively Fit Program in March 2010.  It will be ther “Jenny Craig” for the Right Brain.  It is going to be fun….

Creative wishes this holiday season, Whitney

Mr. Fox Right Brain Movie Review

In Author: Whitney Ferre on December 1, 2009 at 8:38 pm

I saw this movie this past weekend with my kids. 

Some things struck me about the Fantastic Mr. Fox that I thought were worth emphasizing.

Although, I would side with Mrs. Fox as to the carelessness and recklessness of Mr. Fox’s actions, one can’t deny the creative problem solving nature of his actions once the proverbial @#$@# had hit the fan.

So, when Mr. Fox had to motivate his “team” in the face of dire circumstances and insurmountable odds, he chose the right brain/creative path of painting a picture of what that team meant to him and what they could accomplish if they worked together.  By reclaiming their own “story”–a Dan Pink emphasis for the new economy— (their inherent traits and talents), the animals were able to band together to accomplish their goals.  Mr. Fox’s leadership skills are very 21st Century.

The other element of this story that struck me is how it mirrors our current situation.  Fox progresses from the pursuit of comfort and status to being grateful for diminishing resources and shelter.  At each point that his situation worsens, he finds the silver lining and emphasizes THAT to his community.  In the end, they are still have to scrap and scrape and are living in the sewer, but they are happy because of their positive perspective.

In your left brain you are all about YOU. In your RIGHT you are tapped into the global mind, the “one big happy family” and everything is working out perfectly.

Fox’s path may hold a key to our own survival in 2010 and beyond.  Might some of us have to learn how to thrive and live fulfilled lives with less?  Getting to know your right brain voice, or Artist Within, gives you so much more opportunity to maximize the potential of your mind and synergize both the left and right hemispheres.  Feeling overwhelmed or do you want to just give up?  You are surely in left brain mode.  Click on the Creativity Workouts category in this blog to learn how you can make the shift from left to right brain thinking.  Turn feelings of hopelessness into HOPE!

Check out Tina Seelig’s blog, Creativity Rulz, on the Psychology Today wewbsite:

She writes about the power we have to interpret the same situation so many different ways, just by how we choose to look at it.  “It’s All in Your Head” is the title of the blog entry.  Mr. Fox “got it”.  Cheers to a Happy New Year–one filled with exciting opportunities, change and new beginnings!

Creativity Quote by Abraham Maslow

In Author: Whitney Ferre on October 3, 2009 at 10:22 pm

Wow!  Love when I find quotes like this.  Happy pondering!

The key question isn’t “What fosters creativity?” But it is why in God’s name isn’t everyone creative? Where was the human potential lost? How was it crippled? I think therefore a good question might be not why do people create? But why do people not create or innovate? We have got to abandon that sense of amazement in the face of creativity, as if it were a miracle if anybody created anything.

Right Brain Workout

In Author: Whitney Ferre on September 11, 2009 at 8:02 pm

This exercise is from Chapter 11 in my book The Artist Within, A Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit.  This was great this morning!  It took me about 10 minutes total.  Enjoy the pics!

This is just my Moleskine sketchbook (that I love!) and some scrap paper.  I used some plain glue and a paint brush to glue them to the page.  I tore the paper very randomly, trying to get different kinds of shapes. This is just my Moleskine sketchbook (that I love!) and some scrap paper. I used some plain glue and a paint brush to glue them to the page. I tore the paper very randomly, trying to get different kinds of shapes.
I only used soft pastels (more like chalk) and crayons for the colors.  Watch the layers! I only used soft pastels (more like chalk) and crayons for the colors. Watch the layers!This is when I started to use crayons.
I layered more soft pastel over the crayon. I layered more soft pastel over the crayon.
This is where it stands now.  I could always go back and layer it on!  Layering is key!  It is hard sometimes to keep adding to it.  You are scared that you are going to "mess it up".  Face that fear and then add the layer! This is where it stands now. I could always go back and layer it on! Layering is key! It is hard sometimes to keep adding to it. You are scared that you are going to “mess it up”. Face that fear and then add the layer!


Join my facebook fanpage at: for step by step like this of my paintings! 

Try this workout at home, in the a.m. or after a long day.  Or, start your next meeting with this creativity workout!  You will be amazed at the different results and ideas you get.  It’s about equality for both sides of the brain.  Your right brain/Artist Within has a lot to offer you: energy, intuition, inspiration, new ideas, purpose-driven action, centering, peace….Try it.



In Author: Whitney Ferre on August 11, 2009 at 8:44 pm

Lisa Nichols


Find Lisa @


Left brain is EGO.  Right brain is “one with the universe”.

When you are critical or judgmental of your own abilities you are coming from your ego voice. Instead of thinking about how you can help yourself, think about how your strengths, passions and interests, can serve others.  When you make that switch, you disengage the ego and the elements around you will start to align to further your cause because it is for the greater good.


For you to create your best masterpiece (the art that is your life), you have to balance EGO with your conviction that you are part of something bigger than just you.  THIS is where we draw our strength.  THIS is why we believe we can achieve great things, break down barriers, create love rather than war, heal the sick, feed the hungry, speak in front of hundreds, innovate new products and ideas.


When you tap into that universal energy, that inclusive voice, you are opening up your world for extraordinary things.  That world can only be accessed via



Stengthen your right brain muscle with the creativity workouts in my book, THE ARTIST WITHIN, A GUIDE TO BECOMING CREATIVELY FIT!

Your life is art and you are the artist! ~Whitney

Go Inside Today…

In Author: Whitney Ferre on August 5, 2009 at 6:44 pm

The man who has no inner life is a slave to his surroundings.
~Henri-Frederic Amiel

(Amiel was a Swiss philosopher, poet, and critic, who in 1849 was appointed professor of aesthetics at the academy of Geneva, among other positions.)

Wow!  Meditate on this quote for a moment….

If you are not inward, you are outward.  Outside of ourselves is our surroundings–the physical world.  If we are controlled by the outer world we are like the reed that bends in the wind, constantly reacting to the things (often out of our control) around us.

PAINTING & creative activity develop your life within.  Your ARTIST WITHIN

As you become more and more creatively fit these types of abstract concepts should become easier to comprehend.  Just as you have become better at seeing the outlines and painting them on your canvas, you are able to imagine other things that do not currently exist right in front of you.  Your right brain muscles have been stretched and flexed so that they are able to adjust to the more subtle nuances of your daily life.  You have begun to notice the art in your surroundings, your outer life, and will now begin to notice the artistry in your inner life, the part of you closer to spirit.

I won’t go any deeper in this round.  Just start opening up to the awareness of your inner world.  Remember this quote:

First, there were two worlds.  The world of everything “out there,” and the “you” that saw that world through the window of your eyes.  Now there are three worlds.  The world out there, the world “in here,” and the world of things you make.  Peter London, No More Secondhand Art

Whitney Ferre’ leads Creatively Fit Marathons.  This is an excerpt from a “mile”.  Contact her for more info.

Whitney Ferre Original Art

Your Inner Ocean…

In Author: Whitney Ferre on June 8, 2009 at 8:11 pm

I just spent a week at the beach after returning home from NYC the night before our FL departure!  I have the fullest next two months EVER and an entire week at the beach started to make me nervous as my inner to-do list swept over my consciousness as the waves lapped up on the shore on which I reclined.  I thought maybe some of you might feel this way at times.  This is how I manage….

I read a quote once about how when we are feeling overwhelmed that we can access our hidden well of potential that is as wide, as deep, and as expansive as the entire ocean.  It said we literally have THAT MUCH within us from which we can draw strength, inspiration, and energy.  Does that make sense?   Could you explain that to your accountant?  Can you take that to the bank?  No.  That means that you are in right brain territory.

To give you an idea:  on my to do list is re-vamp website, finish production of second paint kit, plan youth art camp being held next week, finalize my CPSI Conference presentation, follow up with NYC contacts, paint a commissioned painting, catch up on accounting since January, learn Quick Books, travel to CPSI in Boston, get ready for month long family West Coast tour (including speaking event, book signing, art workshop), kick off first Creatively Fit Marathon, promote October N. CA retreat…oh, and take care of 3 kids that are now on summer break, co-run a restaurant ( a husband, a house, pack, etc.

Whew!  I can access that overwhelming anxiety at the drop of a hat.  How do I keep my head above water?  I get into my right brain.  I paint.   I do the Creativity Workouts our of my book. I focus on what I can do right now.  I make lists to get them out of my head.  I expect miracles.  I remind myself that this crazy journey I am on has been somehow divinely led since 1995 when the idea for The Creative Fitness Center first entered my mind.

Your ocean is ebbing, flowing, waves breaking, depths deepening, all in the realm of your right brain.  It is not about logic, details, or practicalities.  It is ALL about the huge potential that we all have available at our fingertips IF we create the awareness for ourselves. 

Life is a mental game.  In order to excel, even survive, we have to learn some new tricks.  Your right brain voice, your ARTIST WITHIN (check out my book The Artist Within, A Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit, on or my website has the key to learning more about how you can feel the peace of mind that comes with a larger understanding of your potential and creative power.  Oh, and work out those creative/right brain muscles of yours!  ~Whitney

Grayton Beach, FL

I just spent a week at the beach after returning home from NYC the night before our FL departure!  I have the fullest next two months EVER and an entire week at the beach started to make me nervous as my inner to-do list swept over my consciousness as the waves lapped up on the shore on which I reclined.  I thought maybe some of you might feel this way at times.  This is how I manage….

I read a quote once about how when we are feeling overwhelmed that we can access our hidden well of potential that is as wide, as deep, and as expansive as the entire ocean.  It said we literally have THAT MUCH within us from which we can draw strength, inspiration, and energy.  Does that make sense?   Could you explain that to your accountant?  Can you take that to the bank?  No.  That means that you are in right brain territory.

To give you an idea:  on my to do list is re-vamp website, finish production of second paint kit, plan youth art camp being held next week, finalize my CPSI Conference presentation, follow up with NYC contacts, paint a commissioned painting, catch up on accounting since January, learn Quick Books, travel to CPSI in Boston, get ready for month long family West Coast tour (including speaking event, book signing, art workshop), kick off first Creatively Fit Marathon, promote October N. CA retreat…oh, and take care of 3 kids that are now on summer break, co-run a restaurant ( a husband, a house, pack, etc.

Whew!  I can access that overwhelming anxiety at the drop of a hat.  How do I keep my head above water?  I get into my right brain.  I paint.   I do the Creativity Workouts our of my book. I focus on what I can do right now.  I make lists to get them out of my head.  I expect miracles.  I remind myself that this crazy journey I am on has been somehow divinely led since 1995 when the idea for The Creative Fitness Center first entered my mind.

Your ocean is ebbing, flowing, waves breaking, depths deepening, all in the realm of your right brain.  It is not about logic, details, or practicalities.  It is ALL about the huge potential that we all have available at our fingertips IF we create the awareness for ourselves. 

Life is a mental game.  In order to excel, even survive, we have to learn some new tricks.  Your right brain voice, your ARTIST WITHIN (check out my book The Artist Within, A Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit, on or my website has the key to learning more about how you can feel the peace of mind that comes with a larger understanding of your potential and creative power.  Oh, and work out those creative/right brain muscles of yours!  ~Whitney

Creativity Workout!

In Author: Whitney Ferre on June 3, 2009 at 9:36 pm

Mandala to Meditate

Making a Mandala is such an easy way to relax, access new ideas and become completely present.

Mandalas have been created for centuries by many, many different cultures as a spiritual centering practice.  Remember, as a species, human beings created art long before we created an alphabet or a monetary system!  And it wasn’t easy!  They didn’t have the “craft cave” where all the supplies were readily available.  They had to dig the minerals out of the earth to create pigment for paint or cut down a tree, dry the wood, carve it out…to create the mask.  Why was this such an important activity to our ancestors when their biggest job was simply survive?  They spent valuable energy, time and resources to create art.  Why was it important?

Creating art connects you to a voice, I call it The Artist Within, that is connected to your spirit, that is completely present, that is closer to your subconscious & intuition.  “Primitive” cultures understood the importance of nurturing and accessing this voice.  Do we?

Since we live in such a busy, detail oriented, task laden world our Artist Within has been relegated to the back corners of our mind.  The symptoms of a mind that have not given this voice a platform in awhile are apathy, hopelessness, depression, anxiety, worry, stress…need I go on?  I certainly deal with at least two of those emotions daily as I ride the emotional roller coaster of being a restaurateur, a mother of three, a wife, an author, and a woman.  I have found the wellspring inside of my mind where I can go to balance those emotions with feelings of hope, peace, connection, unity, balance, rhythm…need I go on? 

So, create a Mandala today to create inner peace, centering, calm.  Just draw a circle, or trace a bowl, put a dot in the middle and start doodling.  Let me know how you feel after you have filled the space.


Ernesto Neto Sculpture in NYC!

In Author: Whitney Ferre on June 1, 2009 at 8:09 pm

Ernesto Neto @ Park Avenue Armory

I just got back from a short, but incredible, trip to New York City! The image above is from the Ernesto Neto Sculpture at the Park Avenue Armory. It is a sight to hold! The sculpture totally takes you in and transports you to another world! Those pieces hanging down are filled with aromatic spices! Some are red pepper, others are lavender or cumin! Amazing! Our Artist Within, right brain, registers scent along with visual images, so the combination is fabulous! If you can get to the Park Avenue Armory in the next couple of weeks, do it! I flew to NYC for the Book Expo of America (BEA) and to meet with new friends, John Cimino of Creative Leaps, Phil Alexander with the Lincoln Center for the Arts, Jennifer Hamady, and Paul Spencer Adkins. We had the most increbile pow-wow at the Alice Tully Cafe’ in the Lincoln Center. We each shared unique insight and approaches to personal creativity. John and Paul have worked together for 20 years bringing their “Concert of Ideas” to educators and corporations! Phil Alexander is Senior Director of outreach and education at the Lincoln Center for the Arts, bringing creative experience to children in NYC. Jennifer Hammady is a voice coach to singers and non-singers alike-showing them how to “find their voice”. She also has a new book just published about the subject. Bottom line: our own personal creativity is elemental in everything we do, every element of our lives. We have lost sight of that fact and all of us meeting there last Wednesday are committed to bringing that fact back into focus for everyone! I had a BLAST at the Book Expo. I wore my painted overalls and my grey blazer to illustrate the “right” and “left” brain side of all of us and handed out CREATE CHANGE stickers to everyone! They loved it! I was interviewed by Sirius Radio and met Greg Mortensen of Three Cups of Tea! Talk about a man who has created CHANGE! I passed out stickers to everyone waiting in line to meet him so by the time I got there he was curious about the CREATE CHANGE stickers! I was able to give him a copy of my book and thank him for his work in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Truly, the whole trip was an Artist Within experience. I met amazing people, had so much fun, and reached out for insight and guidance. I flew home Friday night and turned around to drive to Florida early Saturday morning with my business partner, 6 kids and 2 babysitters for our annual beach trip. Aahhhhhhhhh, the beach. I’ll send you all a picture of the ocean tomorrow. I will be at the Borders in Panama City Beach Friday night for a book signing. Right now I have to get my fussy 5 year old into his right brain! Create FUN today! Whitney

Create Bold Action…Come to CPSI

In Author: Whitney Ferre on May 21, 2009 at 9:06 pm

Whitney Ferre' PACE Presenter at this year's CPSI!

I am so excited to attend this year’s CPSI Conference, the annual conference of the CEF, Creativity Education Foundation.  Since I first learned about CPSI, only in Feb. of this year (!!!!), I have connected with several “superstars” in the CPSI world.  First, Sarah Caldicott-Miller, of How to Innovate Like Edison, agreed to speak with me on the phone.  She is so generous and inspiring.  She introduced me to John Cimino whose Creative Leaps and “Concert of Ideas” have serenaded CPSI many, many times.  Then, Gregg Fraley and I got introduced, somehow, and it turns out his U.S. home is in the same Michigan small town outside of Chicago where my parents live and where I just spoke at a library fundraiser!  There are no coincidences!  I believe that.  I am currently devouring Jack’s Notebook by Gregg Fraley and encourage all of you to order it right away!  It is a business NOVEL and is fascinating and full of great info.  John Cimino and I are meeting with a fun group in NYC next Wednesday for lunch, including a gentleman who is the Director of Arts Education at the Lincoln Center for the Arts.  So, before I have even set foot at the CPSI Conference, I am already creating such meaningful connections and look forward to the evolution of my relationship with this dynamic, forward thinking, sincere organization.  Join us in Boston June 21-24!  Go to .

Check out the blogs below of other CPSI leaders.

Creatively yours, Whitney Ferre’

CPSI Conference

My Answer to the Question…

In Author: Whitney Ferre, ENTREPRENEUR THE ARTS on April 28, 2009 at 8:27 am

What part has creativity played in your life? (As asked by Wayne of Creative Skills Training Council in New Zealand.) In the two houses in which I grew up, my mother and I created an “Art Center” under the stairways going down to the basement. We painted the first one all yellow and the second one was all red. Both times we bought stencils and spray painted the words, “Art Center” on the small triangle of wall under the stairs. There were shelves and all kinds of art supplies. Only really advanced and fancy projects were encouraged! Favorites were covering bottles with masking tape and staining them with shoe polish (to look like leather I guess? It was the 70’s…) and dripping old crayons onto salad dressing bottles to use as candle sticks. Instead of lemonade, I sold tooth pillows on the corner that I had sewn from fabric scraps. I STILL grew up saying that I could not draw and that I was not artistic. But, I was always told that I was creative. Maybe that is why I have been drawn to a bit of a pioneer existence. I have thrived on blazing new trails, even if they were just new for me personally. Don’t tell me I “can’t do” something. That will get my wheels spinning! For me, my creative spirit means that I will have no regrets when I look back on my life because I have never/at least rarely said “that can’t be done” or “I can’t make that work”. I have climbed mountains, sold books door to door, opened 4 small businesses (including an art center and a restaurant), and gotten off to a stellar start raising three little kids! When I visit with others who did not receive the creative encouragement that I did, they are often frustrated in their current situation and don’t seem to realize that they have the power to create change in their lives. It makes me sad and wish I could sprinkle some creativity dust over them so they would strike out into the unknown to create the life they desire. To that end, I am doing the best I can. I am the author of a newly published book, The Artist Within, A Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit. The “Artist Within” is what I call our right brain voice. It is the voice that is focused on the big picture, unconcerned with your past failures or any fear of future worries. Becoming “Creatively Fit” is about our physiological ability to strengthen our mental capabilities, specifically our right brain/creative muscles. The book is a future best seller and readers are energized and inspired by what they read and their own personal experience as they brave the blank canvas and the canvas that is their lives! So creativity has truly been the unifying force of my life and the magic I love to share!

by Whitney Ferre' (sold)

by Whitney Ferre' (sold)

CPSI Conference!

In Current Events, ENTREPRENEUR THE ARTS on April 21, 2009 at 8:19 pm

I will be presenting a PACE session at this year’s CPSI Conference, taking place in June 2009 in Boston.  Go to to check it out.


At the conference I will be presenting about the Principles of Design and problem solving.  The Principles of Design have been used by artists for centuries to create successful images.  These same principles can be applied to identify organizational strengths and weaknesses, to access right brain thinking and to provide direction for creative problem solving. While proportion, harmony, repetition, contrast and balance have long been identified as key elements of the visual arts, they have yet to be widely applied to the art that is our life and our life’s work. 


This is an example of the Group Mural Project I facilitate with corporate clients.  This one was created by the team at The Sommet Group.  Each square was created by a different memeber of the team.  All they saw was the little square I gave them.  They had no idea of the finished image and, of course, most of them has zero confidence in their artistic ability!  Isn’t it gorgeous!?!?  How do you think they feel now?  They learned that they can’t put limits on their beliefs and that, as a team, they can create amazing change!  It is now hanging in their training room and they refer to it at the beginning of almost every meeting to get into their right brains so that they can innovate change!

Check out the blogs below for other creative approaches to problem solving and to meet some incredible people that will also be at CPSI this year!

“The Artist Within” Your Right Brain Voice

In Author: Whitney Ferre, Authors on April 15, 2009 at 11:10 am

I read in a book years ago, at the beginning of my creative journey, “The question is not, ‘Why do some people make art?’  The question is, ‘Why not?'”  To me this expressed the primitive need we all posess to create, to make our mark, to publicly declare, “We are here!”  For me, creativity all begins by getting in the correct frame of mind.  I call it the right brain and it’s voice is “The Artist Within”.  Your left brain voice is physiologically responsible for the past and the future.  In practical terms, it reminds you that if you stick your hand in the fire it will burn and that if you do not have enough wood stored for the winter you will die.  It is the “benefit of hindsight” and “thinking ahead”.  It is ALSO the inner critic (reminding you of past mistakes) and STRESS (worrying about something that maybe, possibly, might happen in the future)!!!  As your left brain is task-oriented, logical, and verbal it is most consistently the voice at our conscience, scrolling through our mental to-do list, staying on the right side of the road, texting, twittering, e-mailing….  While our left brain voice is SO valuable, if it is the ONLY voice to which we are connecting, we are missing out on infinite optimism, hope, creativity, intuition, and centeredness unique to our right brain thinking.  Your right brain is completely PRESENT.  It could care less about your past or what might, possibly happen in the future.  Lose your job?  Your left brain says, “Loser!” and your right brain/Artist Within says, “Great opportunity!  Let’s create some change!”

I have had the privilege to spend time recently talking with John Cimino and Sarah Caldicott-Miller (which has led to this blog)!  What we ALL seem to be sensing is that the time is NOW!  The opportunity to launch our perspective on creativity into the national/global consciousness is NOW!  There is not a person on the planet  who is not aware of the need for CHANGE!  But what is going to be different this time?  We have to CHANGE THE WAY WE THINK! 

I am so honored to be among this group of contributors who have been building the foundation, block by block, for what is about to be heralded as the Creative Age (or, as Dan Pink says, The Conceptual Age).  I celebrate the opportunity we have to collaborate at this unique point in history. 

WOw!  It is late and I could keep going & going & going.  I look forward to hearing from you.  And I would not be “me” if I did not ask, humbly, yet with conviction, for you to buy my book and spread the word.  Creatively yours, Whitney/The Artist Within, A Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit